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#13076 din 13076 de Companii din Constructii
Membru Gratuit din 2008
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Adama Adama 0728109905 erou iancu nicolae 29, Voluntari, Ilfov
Produse si servicii

Dezvoltator Imobiliar

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Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2008!
ADAMA is a leading Real Estate development company active in Romania and other emerging Central & Eastern European markets. The company is owned by a syndicated international investment group, including private investors and investment institutions from the United States, with billions of dollars of global holdings in Real Estate, Technology, Telecommunications, Energy, Media and Retail industries.

With numerous projects currently underway, ADAMA is in the process of delivering thousands of new residential units to the Romanian market, in Bucharest and other cities across the country.

ADAMA is also offering local and global corporations participating in Romania's economic growth a standard of office and commercial space unrivalled on the market.

The cornerstone of our success is our team of high-quality people. We are actively seeking more professionals to join our team, people whose dynamism and ambition will enable them to lead the way with us and build their future with ADAMA.
Din Gura in Gura